RCR-Arab Academy

Prof. Omar Khabour

Co-Principal Investigator
Email: khabour@just.edu.jo 

Omar Khabour PhD, is the Co-Principal Investigator for the project in Jordan. He is a Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Jordan University of Science and Technology School of Applied Medical Sciences. His work involves research on stored biological samples and genetic variations in inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress biomarkers and their association with life span and age-related diseases. He has also worked on DNA damage associated with smoking, certain diets and chemical agents. He has published more than 120 articles, of which more than 75 involve human subjects, the use of human biological samples and cultured human cells. He supervised more than 50 Masters students, participated in several workshops about quantitative and qualitative research, and presented more than 40 studies in international conferences. Finally, he gave lectures about ethics in scientific research for both undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Khabour’s education and research experience will help contribute to the area of ethical challenges of using biological samples relevant to clinical studies.