RCR-Arab Academy

The 6th International Conference on Ethics in Jordan and the MENA

Sixth conference

05-06 August, 2021

The 6th International Conference on Ethics in Jordan and the MENA
and IBRO-MENA International Conference on Neuroethics

Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan

In continuation of the series of international conferences held by the Responsible Conduct of research Program in Jordan and the MENA region, this “6th International Conference on Research Ethics in Jordan and the MENA
and IBRO-MENA International Conference on Neuroethics ” will be virtually hosted by Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan. The conference will cover the following themes:

Conference Dates: August, 05/06, 2021

Abstract Submission is now closed.

Abstracts were peer reviewed before official acceptance.

Conference Zoom link: https://uchealth.zoom.us/j/87626323202

 Opening Session
3:30 pm-4:00 pm                Sign in

4:00 pm-4:10 pm               Opening Remarks, Prof. Sayer Al-Azzam, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy,                                               Jordan University of Science and Technology.

4:10 pm-4:25 pm               A directive talk, President of Jordan University of Science and Technology.

Day 1 (05-Aug-2021)                   4:30 pm- 8:30 pm  Virtual Meeting Room
Neuroethics and                         Virtual Meeting Room                                                                                Neuroscience                              Co-Chairs: Prof. Wael Al-delaimy, UCSD, USA, and Prof. Karem                                                                                                               H.Alzoubi, JUST, Jordan

4:30 pm – 5:00 pm                  Neuroethics: From here and now to the barely imaginable future
                                                Martha J. Farah, Director, Center for Neuroscience & Society, Walter H.
                                                Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of Pennsylvania,
                                                Philadelphia, PA, USA

5:00 pm – 5:30 pm                  Downloading brains of animals and humans into computers. Gerald, Pao, The Salk                                                            Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm                  Discussion Panel: (Panelists)- Martha J. Farah, Director, Center for Neuroscience &                                                              Society, Walter H. Annenberg Professor in the Natural Sciences, University of                                                                    Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.  
                                                – Gerald, Pao, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA.
                                                – Kenneth Goodman, Professor, Director, Institute for Bioethics and Health
                                                   Policy, University of Miami, FL, USA.
                                                – Michael Kalichman, Professor Emeritus, founding director of the UC San
                                                   Diego Research Ethics Program, School of Medicine, University of
                                                   California at San Diego, CA, USA.

6:30 pm – 6:50 pm                     Euthanasia: Neuroethical Issues Dr. Nadia El Kadmiri, Polydisciplinary Faculty of                                                                 Taroudant, Ibn Zohr University,Morocco.

6:50 pm – 7:10 pm                    Consenting in Alzheimer’s Disease: the Braak Staging Dr. Almuthanna Alkaraki,                                                                   Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, Jordan

7:10 pm – 7:30 pm                    Ethical aspects of dealing with coma patients. Zaid Altaany, Faculty of Medicine,                                                                Yarmouk University, Jordan.

7:30 pm- 7:50 pm                     Neuroethics: Real-Life examples Wael Mohamed, MD/PHD, Neuroscience Unit, Basic                                                         Menoufia Medical School, Egypt and Medical Science Department                                                                                       International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.

7:50 pm – 8:10 pm                   Ethical issues in Mental Health Research: Views of researchers in Arabic region                                                                   Fadwa Alhalaiqa, Faculty of Nursing, Philadelphia University, Jordan

8:10 pm – 8:30 pm                  Conclusions and Recommendations.

Day 2 (06-Aug-2020                4:00 pm-7:00 pm
Responsible Conduct              Virtual Meeting Room
of Research                              Co-Chair: Prof. Omar Khabour, JUST, Jordan, and Prof. Tareq Mukattash, JUST,                                                                                   Jordan

4:00 pm – 4:20 pm                   Ethics related to data compilation and manuscript preparation Mohamed Essa,                                                                 Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

4:20 pm – 4:40 pm                   Physicians’ Ethical Obligations to Pharmacogenetic Testing Suhaib Muflih, Faculty                                                             of Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan.

4:40 pm – 5:00 pm                   Knowledge and Practice of Patients’ Data Sharing and Confidentiality Among                                                                     Nurses in Jordan Sawsan Abuhammad, Faculty of Nursing, Jordan University of                                                                 Science and Technology, Jordan

5:00 pm – 5:20 pm                  Understanding and attitudes of the Jordanian public about clinical research ethics.
                                                Mera Ababneh, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jordan University of Science and Technology,                                                            Jordan.

5:20 pm – 5:40 pm                 Biomedical Data Sharing Among Researchers: A Study from Jordan Dr. Lina Al-                                                                   Ibbini, Genetic Engineering, Yarmouk University, Jordan.

5:40 pm – 6:00 pm                 Physicians’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Attitudes Related to Patient Confidentiality                                                         and Data Sharing. Reema Karasneh, Faculty of Medicine, Yarmouk University,                                                                    Jordan.

6:00 pm – 6:20 pm                Challenges That Face Behavioral Genetic Studies: Researchers Perspective from
                                              the MENA region Ahmed Abu siniyeh, Faculty of Applied Sciences, American University                                                    of Madaba, Jordan.

6:20 pm – 6:40 pm               Conclusions and Recommendations