RCR-Arab Academy

The 2nd International Conference on Ethics in Jordan: Clinical Trials


02-04 August, 2018

For the second year in a row the RCR Program in collaboration with the school of Pharmacy at JUST ( Jordan University of Science and Technology) and under the auspices of Dr. Omar Al-Jarrah, the President of JUST ;held  The 2nd International Conference on Ethics in Jordan: Clinical Trials.


The conference was held from August 2nd thru August 4th ,2017.


One of the important presentations was given by our program director Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy in which he focused on Clinical trials of drugs in less developed countries: an ethical perspective.


Also Dr. Kenneth Goodman one of the programs lead faculty members gave a presentation on Clinical research and the challenge of balancing profit and progress.


This year  members from JFDA Jordan(Jordan Food and Drug Association) were present and held distinguished presentations on various and important topics in Jordan such as Clinical studies in Jordan: current status and improvement opportunities; JFDA bioequivalence guidelines; and Jordan pharmacovigilance experience.


We also had 8 of our second year fellows who volunteered to present short presentations on ethics reflecting on their practicums or areas of expertise as follows:


      • Yazan Akkam: “Nanotechnology in Jordan: ethical implications and potential health consequences”

      • Basima Almomani: “Knowledge and views of Jordanian parents on ethical issues of medical research in their children”

      • Hana Abu Hassan & Heyam Aldalky: ” Mental health stigma”

      • Aceil Al-Khatib: ” Developing an updated Arabic version of human subjects’ topic for Islamic communities”

      • Osama Alshogran: “Knowledge, views, attitudes and practice towards international committee of  medical journal editors (ICMJE) authorship criteria among faculty members of health sciences”

      • Noor Almurtada: “Considerations and beliefs on donation of a tooth to science in Jordan”

      • Hanin Makhloof: “The perspectives of Jordanians toward open consent form and reuse of biological material in scientific research”